Therapeutic Tai-Chi & Qigong for SCHOOLS
C.A.L.M. Teaches children and teens basic coping skills through medical Taiji Qigong and Breathwork exercises.
These exercises are designed to support children learn to decompress from stress, experiencing the healthy and relaxing effects of combining dynamic tension movement with dynamic breathing.
Our Functional Therapeutic Services are recognized and supported by Broward County Parks and Recreation, providing field facilities on beautiful outdoor spaces around Broward Florida, and providing indoor facilities if needed.
With Certified Medical Taiji-Qigong Master Famo, her breathwork techniques are extremely efficient and healing for children, and wonderful to build good athletes and focused individuals, these breathwork exercises combined with targeted movement, are designed to support children and teens therapeutically decompressing from stress and experiencing the healthy effects of combining dynamic tension with sudden relaxation, where the result helps oxygenate the body in an aerobic exercise, its great for the immune system and cognition, after a couple of sessions children and teens start to relax, and breathing better already, this helps them act meaningfully. More info:
Learn to Breathe